Our worship service follows the general outline for the order of worship based on the Presbyterian Church (USA) Book of Order, using both traditional and contemporary elements.
We use The Presbyterian Hymnal of Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs.
Communion is celebrated on the second Sunday of each month, sharing the Sacraments of Bread and Wine, by coming forth to the Communal Table. Communion may also be celebrated during special worship, such as Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.
WE ENTER TO WORSHIP – A short time of greeting as members seat themselves.
PRAISE MUSIC – A few contemporary hymns, accompanied by guitar, before worship begins.
WELCOME – A greeting to welcome all attending the worship.
PRELUDE – A special selection of music, played on piano or organ, which opens the service,
allowing time to reflect quietly, seeking God’s presence.
CALL TO COMMUNITY – Responsive reading that calls the congregation to listen to God’s Word.
OPENING HYMN – Selection that encourages the people to praise God and rejoice. Those who are
able to stand to sing.
CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION – Responsive reading, confessing sins and weakness, seeking
forgiveness, followed by a moment of silence to pray.
ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS – Responsive reading which assures the people that God gives
forgiveness to all who seek it.
CHORAL RESPONSE – Special selection, used weekly, and sung by the congregation.
A TIME FOR LEARNING – A brief, informative lesson on people, places, and events of the Bible.
SPECIAL MUSIC – Inspirational hymn sung by a worship leader, or played musically on piano.
CHURCH LIFE – Time to share joys, concerns, and events of the church, followed by prayer.
OFFERTORY/DOXOLOGY - Offertory is brought forward as the congregation stands to sing Doxology, followed by a prayer of thanksgiving.
SCRIPTURE READINGS – Biblical readings on which the sermon is based.
SERMON - Inspirational message presented by minister or elder.
TIME OF REFLECTION – Musical selection played as the congregation reflects on the message of the sermon.
PASTORAL PRAYER – Followed by THE LORD’S PRAYER, recited by the congregation. This time may also include THE APOSTLE’S CREED.
CLOSING HYMN – Selection that praises God and encourages thankfulness, and community of spirit.
SONG OF DISMISSAL – Contemporary hymn, encouraging us to carry God’s Word to others.
POSTLUDE – Hymn played as people pass the peace and exit the worship
Every Sunday at 10 am
Fellowship Hour:
Every Sunday after worship from 11 a.m. to Noon at the Fellowship Hall across the street.